2022 Math Rubric

Core Questions Rubric
This serves as the rubric used for evaluation of all instructional materials bid for state adoption.
1. A. Alignment with curriculum: The content aligns with the state's standards, benchmarks and
clarifications for subject, grade level and learning outcomes.
2. A. Alignment with curriculum: The content is written to the correct skill level of the
standards, benchmarks and clarifications in the course.
3. A. Alignment with curriculum: The materials are adaptable and useful for classroom
4. B. Level of Treatment: The materials provide sufficient details for students to understand
the significance of topics and events.
5. B. Level of Treatment: The content matches the standards.
6. B. Level of Treatment: The content matches the student abilities and grade level.
7. B. Level of Treatment: The content matches the time period allowed for teaching.
8. C. Expertise for Content Development: The primary and secondary sources cited in the
materials reflect expert information for the subject.
9. C. Expertise for Content Development: The primary and secondary sources contribute to
the quality of the content in the materials.
10. D. Accuracy of Content: The content is presented accurately. (Material should be devoid of
typographical or visual errors.)
11. D. Accuracy of Content: The content of the material is presented objectively. (Material
should be free of bias and contradictions and is noninflammatory in nature.)
12. D. Accuracy of Content: The content of the material is representative of the discipline.
(Material should include prevailing theories, concepts, standards and models used with the
subject area.)
13. D. Accuracy of Content: The content of the material is factually accurate. (Materials should
be free of mistakes and inconsistencies.)
14. E. Currency of Content: The content is up-to-date according to current research and
standards of practice.
15. E. Currency of Content: The content is presented to the curriculum, standards and
benchmarks in an appropriate and relevant context.
16. E. Currency of Content: The content is presented in an appropriate and relevant context
for the intended learners.
17. F. Authenticity of Content: The content includes connections to life in a context that is
meaningful to students.
18. F. Authenticity of Content: The material includes interdisciplinary connections which are
intended to make the content meaningful to students.
Content (continued)
19. G. Multicultural Representation: The portrayal of gender, ethnicity, age, work situations,
cultural, religious, physical, and various social groups are fair and unbiased. (Please explain any
unfair or biased portrayals in the comments section.)
20. H. Humanity and Compassion: The materials portray people and animals with compassion,
sympathy, and consideration of their needs and values, and exclude pornography and
inhumane treatment. (An exception may be necessary for units covering animal welfare.)
21. In general, is the content of the benchmarks and standards for this course covered in the
1. A. Comprehensiveness of Student and Teacher Resources: The comprehensiveness of the
student resources address the targeted learning outcomes without requiring the teacher to
prepare additional teaching materials for the course.
2. B. Alignment of Instructional Components: All components of the major tool align with the
curriculum and each other.
3. C. Organization of Instructional Materials: The materials are consistent and logical
organization of the content for the subject area.
4. D. Readability of Instructional Materials: Narrative and visuals engage students in reading
or listening as well as in understanding of the content at a level appropriate to the students’
5. E. Pacing of Content: The amount of content presented at one time or the pace at which it
is presented must be of a size or rate that allows students to perceive and understand it.
6. Accessibility: The material contains presentation, navigation, study tool and assistive
supports that aid students, including those with disabilities, to access and interact with the
material. (For assistance refer to the answers on the UDL questionnaire.)
7. In general, how well does the submission satisfy PRESENTATION requirements? (The
comments should support your responses to the questions in the Presentation section.)
1. A. Motivational Strategies: Instructional materials include features to maintain learner
2. B. Teaching a Few "Big Ideas": Instructional materials thoroughly teach a few important
ideas, concepts or themes.
3. C. Explicit Instruction: The materials contain clear statements of information and outcomes.
4. D. Guidance and Support: The materials provide guidance and support to help students
safely and successfully become more independent learners and thinkers.
5. D. Guidance and Support: Guidance and support must be adaptable to developmental
differences and various learning styles.
6. E. Active Participation of Students: The materials engage the physical and mental activity of
students during the learning process.
7. E. Active Participation of Students: Rate how well the materials include organized activities
that are logical extensions of content, goals and objectives.
Learning (continued)
8. F. Targeted Instructional Strategies: Instructional materials include the strategies known to
be successful for teaching the learning outcomes targeted in the curriculum requirements.
9. F. Targeted Instructional Strategies: The instructional strategies incorporated in the
materials are effective in teaching the targeted outcomes.
10. G. Targeted Assessment Strategies: The materials correlate assessment strategies to the
desired learning outcomes.
11. G. Targeted Assessment Strategies: The assessment strategies incorporated in the
materials are effective in assessing the learners’ performance with regard to the targeted
12. Universal Design for Learning: This submission incorporates strategies, materials,
activities, etc. that consider the needs of all students.
13. B.E.S.T. Standards Application: Do you observe the appropriate application of ELA
Expectations and/or Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards as
14. In general, does the submission satisfy LEARNING requirements? (The comments should
support your responses to the questions in the Learning section.)

Special Topics
1. Critical Race Theory: Do materials align to Rule 6A-1.094124, F.A.C., which prohibits Critical
Race Theory (CRT), in instructional materials?
2. Culturally Responsive Teaching: Do instructional materials omit Culturally Responsive
Teaching as it relates to CRT?
3. Social Justice: Do instructional materials omit Social Justice as it relates to CRT?
4. Social Emotional Learning: Do instructional materials NOT solicit Social Emotional
Learning (SEL), as these are considered extraneous and unsolicited strategies outside the
scope of subject-area standards

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